Monday, February 11, 2008

snowy monday morning

Well, it's Monday again, but luckily i don't have to go to work. Last month I took a pharmacist job here in Anchorage that I thought I wanted, but the company has done their best to convince me otherwise. First, the job was supposed to start full time in mid-March. What they didn't tell me was that the other pharmacist (the only other pharmacist) was taking 6 weeks medical leave starting January 2nd, so they asked me to start full time on January 7th. Fine. Second, I was supposed to be opening a brand new pharmacy at a new inpatient facility, 34 adolescent female beds, as opposed to 70-80 at the main facility. So now I'm working at the main hospital. Third, since I was going to be working at the bigger hospital, I was told I'd have at least a part time technician to help me (there is a full time technician there now). Ha. On my first day at work, the full time tech informed me that she was laid off permanently as of 2/29, and if she found another job before then, it would be Sayonara Cindy. (she was still there before I started my time off last week, but I haven't called for an update). So, as a result of all this mess, I have seriously reconsidered this foray back to full time pharmacist employment and less time beady joy.

This past weekend I participated in the Alaska Wholesale Gift Show at the Egan Center. I signed up at the last minute, and last week I spent getting ready for it. Last year, I didn't even get enough orders to pay my booth rent. I did a little better this year: one large order and 3 or 4 smaller ones. What I hope for though, is that these won't be one time only orders, or else it's not worth doing the show. I have only 1 account that orders sporadically from me, from the now 4 years I've done the show. And she doesn't order enough for me to really even notice, maybe $50-100 wholesale once or twice a year. Again, only time will tell if my products will sell well enough for repeat business.

Well, I'm not a writer, and I'm not even sure how anyone would find this blog, so off I go to write up those new orders and get started making some of the jewelry to fulfill them. Most Alaskan tourist venues don't get going until May, so I only have one order I have to ship this week, and she mostly picked out stuff that was already made.

Have a great day!